Dilli Forms

Get ‘any’ PDF form pre-filled with your information straight into your inbox using “Dilli Forms” Amazon Alexa skill.

For example: You can request IRS Form W-9 by simply saying “Alexa, ask Dilli Forms to get form W-9”. In a matter of seconds, the latest version of W-9 will be sent to your email inbox filled with your name and address.


Play the video below to see how Dilli Forms works.

How do I use this skill?

You need to have an Amazon Alexa device like Echo, Tap, Dot, Spot or Show. Then, simply search and enable “Dilli Forms” skill in the Alexa companion app.

Is it FREE?

Yes, the skill is absolutely FREE.

Available Forms

Currently the following forms can be requested via ‘Dilli Forms’ skill:

IRS Forms

  • 1040
  • 1099MISC
  • W-9

U.S Supreme Court Forms

  • AO085
  • AO398
  • AO440
  • AO458
  • AO133
  • AO399
  • AO441

U.S.C.I.S Forms

  • G-639 – Freedom Of Information Act (FOIA)

U.S. Department of State Forms

  • DS-11 – U.S. Passport Application

Other U.S. Forms

  • SS5 – Application for a social security card


Want us to add another form? Want to partner with us? Have ideas to improve the product? We would love to hear. Please fill out the form below and let us know!