Launching “VOICITY” to help create voice assistants for cities

San Francisco, CA: Today, DILLI LABS announced the general availability of VOICITY – a platform-as-a-service product to enable cities across the globe to develop intelligent voice assistants to provide their citizens to have a voice interface to city services. Developed in collaboration with a prominent city in USA – VOICITY is a result of extensive research and development with inputs from an experienced government partner.
Some of the many interesting use cases of a voice assistant powered by VOICITY includes notifying city residents of emergencies, allowing them to call a city department or to send emergency alerts to their friends and family, finding nearest amenities such as tennis courts or recreation centers and reporting civic issues such as graffiti or potholes.
“VOICITY aims to give voice to every city on this planet.”, says Piyush Hari – founder and principal at Dilli Labs. He adds – “We are in midst of a transition from touch to voice in the technology world and its just a matter of time when citizens will move from using city’s mobile applications to demanding for and using voice applications. VOICITY is preparing the cities for that transition.”
Learn more about VOICITY at voi.city.
For more information on VOICITY or to request an interview, please email us at info@dillilabs.com.